Pasta Dough

Pasta Dough - Grant Wilson & Pasta Grammar
4 servings. The rule of thumb for fresh egg pasta is one egg per serving, “plus one for God.”

3 3/4 cups all-purpose flour, plus a little extra for dusting
5 eggs
Salt for boiling

1. On a large work surface, pour the flour into a mound and use your fingers to hollow out the center so that it resembles a volcano.
2. Crack the eggs into the hollow.
3. Using a fork, begin whisking the eggs and gradually scoop the sides of the flour so that it mixes in.
4. When most of the flour has been combined with the eggs and the dough has thickened, gather all together and knead it by hand until very smooth and even. Add flour as necessary if it's too sticky.
5. Cut the pasta dough into manageable portions (about the size of a fist).
6. Roll out each portion until it is very thin, no thicker than 1/16th of an inch.
7. Lightly dust the sheet of dough with flour before rolling it up in 1-inch folds.
8. Slice the roll into even, 1/4-inch pieces for fettuccine or closer to 1/2-inch for tagliatelle.
9. Gently toss the pasta to unroll the strands, then place on a tray or plate for cooking later.
10. Be sure to dust the finished pasta with more flour so the strands don’t stick together. (At this point, the pasta can be frozen for later or cooked right away).
11. To cook, bring a large pot of water to boil.
12. Salt it generously. (As they say in Italy, the water should taste like the sea!) Two small palmfuls is a good starting place.
13. Drop the pasta into the water and cook for 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 minutes, depending on the thickness of the pasta. It doesn’t take long for fresh pasta to reach al dente perfection!
14. Drain, and serve with your favorite sauce.

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